
We have a duty to act responsibly, guided by our purpose of building a better world. InvestBank is a proud participant in, and financially contributes to, the United Nations Global Compact. In a letter to H.E. António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, InvestBank’s executive chairman, Don Christensen, promised InvestBank’s support for the UN Global Compact and InvestBank’s commitment to the initiative and its principles.

InvestBank is committed to advancing the UN Global Compact’s seventeen Sustainable Development Goals, and to aligning its strategy and operations with the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. InvestBank has made the UN Global Compact and its goals and principles part of its strategy, culture, and day-to-day operations. InvestBank is committed to engaging in projects and transactions which advance the broader development goals of the United Nations, particularly the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals.


When organizations align their goals with society’s, they will be more valuable and viable in the long term, and some of the world’s greatest challenges can be addressed. Faced with the urgent and interconnected challenges of climate change and social inequality, businesses must go further, and faster, to build a better world - one that is socially just, economically inclusive, and environmentally regenerative by design.

InvestBank’s corporate responsibility goals and principles extend the value of InvestBank’s experience, knowledge, and networks around the globe. The growing network of organizations InvestBank works with includes government entities, nonprofits, multinational corporations, and impact investors. By joining forces with clients and other like-minded organizations, across multiple countries, we can achieve together what no one organization could achieve alone.

Please contact InvestBank about opportunities to collaborate and scale impact -